Author Archives: joanne_gp

About joanne_gp

LGBTQ health equity scholar, enthusiastic scientist, learner, lover of ranunculus, writer

the beginning

0220132051Ron Patterson is my Dad. He was born May 29, 1951. He died August 4, 2020. He was 69 years old. My name is Joanne Gayle Patterson. My dad said that my middle name means “a strong wind” and that I embody that gale.

Gale force winds are treacherous. They can rip off rooves. Raise waves that overturn ships. Lift people off their feet and onto their knees. Gale force winds are not to be taken lightly. They are to be respected. Not to be reckoned with.

And…. and when you have the opportunity to stand amidst the wind, it reminds you of living. Feet rooted. Chin uplifted. Eyes on tumbling clouds skidding above ravaged oceans. Sea salt lining your lips and whitening already graying hair. The wind reminds you that life is precarious, but you are strong. The wind quickens your heart. It heats blood while it chills skin. The wind brings forth goosebumps: fear and anticipation. The wind cannot be controlled. You must bend to its will. Its wanton nature. Learn to move within it. Lean into it. And hope.